Sunday, January 7, 2024

Rankin Park inner-city bypass

Mr Josh Murray

Secretary, Transport NSW

7 January 2024

Dear Josh,

I’ve recently visited the Rankin Park inner-city bypass, and I was very concerned with what has happened to date with this project, especially in the site of the Bridge 4 – Northern Creek Crossing. It appears that the construction works are not in accordance with the approved Development Application (DA) [Reference No. SSI6888].

The Roads Department have an excellent history of environmental protection and the Parks and Playgrounds Movement (the Movement) are dismayed that the bypass works undertaken to date have been non-compliant and destructive of the natural environment.  

The Movement’s ongoing concern regarding this damage has been raised with the local member, Hon. Sonia Hornery. The Movement has also highlighted the need for rehabilitation of bushland and compensatory habitat to ameliorate the damage done by the bypass project.

The Department of Planning and Environment conditions for approval of the project were determined on 7 February 2022. These conditions required structures to provide for connectivity in the bushland for people and animals including a requirement that Bridge 4- Northern Creek Crossing preserve the naturalness of the significant creek and create an underpass for bushwalkers, animals, and drainage.

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) indicates that the creek is of high conversation value. A three span bridge crossing the waterway has especially been included in the design to minimise the impact on the existing naturalness of the creek environment.

In a recent visit to the site, we have noted that the creek has been filled and wrongly piped. Consequently, the creek and its wildlife have been destroyed.

To remediate the destruction of the creek and its natural environment, a bridge is required including the removal of the fill from the creek and revegetation to restore the riparian zone and create the pedestrian walkway and a biodiverse underpass attractive to fauna.

The Movement appeals to you to action this as a priority.

Your sincerely

Parks and Playgrounds Movement Inc

Extract from EIS Bridge 4 – Northern Creek Crossing (page 72)

Photo taken 5 January 2023 indicating damage at the site of Bridge 4 – Northern Creek Crossing.


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